Event FAQs

All practicing and professional geotechnical engineers, civil engineers involved in geohazard research and exploration, engineering geologists, seismologists, geoscientists, geomorphologists, ground hydrologists, and other professionals and researchers working in the field of geo-infra disaster management.

GeoMandu 2024 provides a prime platform for researchers to showcase their work and engage with industry experts, fostering valuable connections and collaborations. By participating, you can stay updated on the latest geotechnical advancements, receive feedback on your research, and play a pivotal role in addressing the challenges of sustainable infrastructure, all of which can significantly enhance your professional growth and impact in the field. Additionally, publication opportunities may further extend the reach and recognition of your research findings.

It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

This conference is the second of the biennial international event series of Nepal Geotechnical Society starting March 2023, and all these events will cover geotechnical engineering problems not only in the Nepal Himalaya but also in the similar geologies and geomorphologies in the world.

As a basic rule of ethics, we would expect that all submitted papers are the authors’ original research work, but it may not always be possible to present an original research work in international conferences. So, in addition to original research, we expect field-based investigation reports, project reports, review papers, and so on.